Live from the Formosa, Session Four

This afternoon Peter Rukavina, Dan James, and I recorded a new session of Live at the Formosa, live at the, uh, Formosa.

Live at the Formosa is an occasional radio show (I’m still ashamed of the word “podcast”, but I’ll get over it) we record at the Formosa Tea House, a regular lunch haunt of ours. We talk about technology, the universe, and everything.

This is our longest session to date (about an hour-and-a-half). So far I’ve never been sure that I would actually listen to any of these shows if I weren’t in them. However, people seem to have enjoyed them, and I think there is some compelling discussion in this episode.

Peter has the show notes and download available on his site: Live From the Formosa Tea House, Session Four.

I have some cool friends.


One thought on “Live from the Formosa, Session Four

  1. The odd thing about this sort of show is that how it is non-interactive. Ruk did well with the timing the topics according to where they appear in the time-line to you can select what you want to hear (if only in a 1981 walkman kind of way) but, still, in an mini-MSM way, your comments become authority without that venue for challenge.

    Perhaps you should have a blogpodblogcastthingie. [Pick a better name if you can dare.] What would I say in response on such a thing?

    • Don’t worry about the tube (unless you die). I was in Paris when it was being bombed in ’86 and then on the tube on the exploding stairwell about ten minutes before the Kings Cross fire in ’87. Such is life.
    • I think that worrying whether bad people had nice moms is not a strong concept. Having done a wee bit of criminal law you learn that 95% of the people in the courts were dumb/angry/etc. but there is a minority that are real pure bastards. People who blow up buses are the Phds of that bastardry.
    • The comparison between QSC and ATC was a very good discussion. I don’t know that 140,000 people can live on 2 to 3 person nimble consultancies but the QSC does not need to feed the province – it is interesting in itself and could be replicated anywhere to the same benefit.

    Other than that, has anyone signed up for the “wheel o’ cheese” wedding pressie?

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