This just in: Canadian Prime Minister also a human being

Last night, the CBC ran a series of interviews with high-ranking Canadian politicians about their experiences during September 11, 2001 (see an excerpt [20 min RealVideo]). What made the interviews particularly engaging was that the nature of the conversation was candid, personal, and it would seem, honest.

The discussion with Prime Minister Chrétien was particularly interesting. He spoke about the experience of debating the order to, if necessary, shoot down a passenger airliner that was thought to have been hijacked. What was so interesting was that Chrétien wasn’t speaking as the Prime Minister. Rather, he was speaking as an individual – as a human being in a difficult situation.

He also spoke of the disparity of wealth between the west and east. Again, his words had the air of frankness and honesty. Honesty is not something you often see from someone who represents so many. It really jumps off the screen at you. Politicians are generally forced to watch every word they say in press conferences. The smallest remark could be misinterpreted or taken out of context by the press or opposition.

Former Finance Minister Paul Martin, Minister of Transportation David Collonette, and the Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister John Manley all spoke about their memories of that day. All said things they wouldn’t dare utter in a press conference.

This kind of honesty should be applauded and encouraged. Predictably, some of the opposition seized the opportunity to criticize both fairly, in Joe Clark’s comments about foreign aid (see video excerpt [RealVideo]), and unfairly, in Stephen Harper’s opportunistic attack. Joe Clark did come to the defence of the Prime Minister though, saying that much of the criticism was taking the Prime Minister’s comments out of context.

The backlash to the honest expression of opinions like this leads to an environment of antiseptic and empty public speaking.

That said, I’m not gonna vote for any of these guys – I’m with the Barenaked Ladies: let’s go left.


11 thoughts on “This just in: Canadian Prime Minister also a human being

  1. Urgh…I wish they’d put up a non Real version of it for viewing. Real, aka tomorrow’s Netscape, is terrible. I’d almost rather drink my own piss than install that on my PC. That said, I really would like to see this interview so anyone got a link to an older version of Real? I might go kill myself if I install RealOne.

  2. Thanks for reiterating that eric. 😉

    Steve: Let the NDP run the country? They’ve screwed up every time they’ve been elected provincially haven’t they? We need a new left.

  3. That shot of the second airplane crashing turned my guts into knots… I never really realised how big the planes were even in comparison to the towers, and just watching that and how fast it was going was horribly stunning… God.

  4. The documentary was very well produced; perhaps one of the few uses of re-enactment that I’ve ever thought added to the story being told. Chretien is to be lauded for his candour (and perhaps scorned for not using it more often).

    Are for RealVideo: I just watched the 20 minute clip that Steven pointed to, full-screen on my iBook and it was better than watching cable. Truly amazing technology.

  5. It’s great that you all appreciate Chretien’s honesty, but honesty doth not make good policy nor serve the national interest. His ‘candour’ may have elevated his status among you Lefties, but it made an ass of him in the eyes many others. Poverty breeds terrorism? Give me a break.

  6. Rob, I take your points. However, are our elected officials to act simply as a tool of the majority, or are they to they chosen to govern as they see fit? Let me try and answer my own question: a good politician is not guided solely by their own devices, nor are they guided solely by the will of the majority. Disclosure: I’m not speaking based on education or literature – the sad truth is, I saw this on the West Wing!

    As for poverty breeding terrorism, is it causation or correlation?

  7. In regards to the prime minister being human.

    Yes he is. he was in part helped to his seat in office by using the Indo Canadian Bully boys buying bus loads of new Liberal memberships and having the bus loads of people nominate Mr. Martin in his quest for leadership of the Liberal party of Canada. That practice in it’s self is questionable, yet it gets worse the Indo Liberal bully boys bought those memeberships I just Mentioned to secure Paul Martin,s bid for leader of the liberal party where paid for with monies made from the proceeds of the production and sale of Marijuana.

    The highest seat in the land of Canada has been sullied by the war on drugs our prime minister hired drug dealers to secure his position in the Liberal Party of Canada. If he truly is after organised trafficer’s in Marijuana, he could show Canadian’s that he is serious and will start by admitting that his tougher laws on the growing of Canabis for medicinal use, roughly 2 million Canadian’s, 7% of our population will be caught up in a war against crime that will not reduce the involement of organised crime. The same organised crime that helped him achieve the office of Prime Minister of Canada.

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