wish for something better – sam brown

Today the good mailman arrived. He demanded $8.32 but had no change to offer (is that even legal?).

However, he also brought with him a big bag of goodness containing Sam Brown’s (of explodingdog.com) new book “Wish for Something Better”.

Wish for Something Better by Sam Brown

I suspect that you do not own a copy and that I am cooler than you. Buy one, they are beautiful. It’s a small square book (about 6″ x 6″) and the printing looks great. It will make your coffee table way cooler than it was yesterday.


5 thoughts on “wish for something better – sam brown

  1. Mine also zinged me 8.32 (which is nothing), and it’s at the post office right now. I can’t wait to sink my omnivorous teeth into it. Even though it might be a present for somebody.

  2. Steve-If you’re looking for good books try “Walk On: The Spiritual Journey of U2” [Steve Stockman].

    I don’t think you can get it on PEI but if you have one them credit card thingies you can find it online easily enough.

  3. This doesn’t work often when dealing with actual companies, but when I win an online auction or order anything from the states, I request that they send the item as a ‘gift’ on their international postage forms.

    They usually bite. Saves you a bundle.

  4. I am guessing but part of the $8.32 is likely a $5.00 “GST collection fee” Cnada Post and the CCRA has dreamed up – under $20.00 item total it is not collected. “Gift” will be challenged but randomly. Once I got a call from a bean pusher in Edmonton who was challengig the $1.00 claim on an eBay purchase of mine – a 1969 Bobby Orr card. I had not asked for it but the guy was a bit of a bully until I said I was a lawyer and I wanted my card back. One of those beautiful moments when I got to send of a letterheaded lawyers note saying give me my card…my Bobby…

  5. I would like to see the last season of Northern Exposure. I just discoverd it on reruns and I am taping them all at midnight weekdays and I am watching them for the first time. I am a new fan but I really want to see them all. I can’t believe there is now way to see them or buy them. Can you let me know what else I can do to help get them released. Thanks. Judy

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