links: to and from

We are honoured to be included with our inclusion on the links b-list. Those chumps on the c-list can suck it.

Struggling with the thought that there could be others better than ourselves, I checked out a-list of links. Sylloge - a pretty weblog
Most I was familiar with (Harrumph, Evhead, a.whole, etc.) but some were strange and new.

The best of the pack is Stewart Butterfield’s Stewart (along with Eric Costello of the very cool runs the infamous but wonderful 5k Contest. His personal blog is absolutely beautiful.

Speaking of beautiful weblogs, see fellow kottke b-lister Dollar Short.


7 thoughts on “links: to and from

  1. Instead of this: “Those chumps on the c-list can suck it.” (which has a nice sound to it, granted, and sounds like coolbreeze) you should be going to Kottke’s Osil8.

    Particularly to “Car B-Cue”, the fine coverage of an entire Basketball Season and something i think was called “Words”. And “Remember a Movie”. Which had a trailer, or “splash” if you will, with the coolest fucking light bulb ever.

    By the way, you can’t get metafilter or the fray on the chapters webstations in coquitlam, and no windomearle world. aov works fine tho. they got a load of computer books to move.

    (I just turned to the guy on the station beside me, I says: “I think the Internet would be way better if people would just stop linking to everything.”

    “Fucking A-1 right man,” that’s what he said. “A-1 fucking right.”)

  2. Oh my God that is exciting! Is there a plaque or something? A t-shirt?

    Ought to be fucking something to note the occasion when some guy links to you (some other guy).

    Oh my God! The A-List! Oh my God!

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