free wisdom on the internet

Normally when I talk about how I am an unappreciated genius no one takes me seriously which I can understand in my wisdom but perhaps you could take me a little more seriously as I discuss another unappreciated genius who is not myself: Kirby Ferguson.

Kirby’s final issue of IslandEdition is up and it is so good it has me shaking my head. Don’t get me wrong. I do think IslandEdition has done well, but after reading Kirby’s Web Publishing Advice, I can’t help but mourn Prince Edward Island‘s loss (Kirby is moving to TO).

In particular, read Kirby’s Web Publishing Advice. It may seem odd to say that it is brilliant, since the advice is so simple, but is it indeed brilliant. Every web developer, designer, and writer should read and obey.

We’ll miss you Kirby and we look forward to the future of