all decisions are final. no recounts.

We have finally reached the end of the “milleniyumyum” affair. Somewhat behind schedule mind you, but that seems to be all the rage these days. In any case, the punishment to be adopted for Steven’s use of the “word” “milleniyumyum” has been kindly provided by long time listener, first time caller, Sinned*. He has decreed that Steven’s punishment is to be the following:

make him eat donuts…
lots and lots of donuts..
we’ll see how milleniyumyummie he feels then…

Hopefully some pictures, or at least an artist’s rendition, of the punishment being executed will be available soon.

I would like to be able to provide Sinned with a mug or a t-shirt for his winning suggestion, but we have none. Perhaps I will take up a collection, though that certainly seems extremely unlikely.

* Name has been scrambled to protect the innoncent. Sinned is much better than Wehttam. Lucky bastard.