only on The Onion

I wasn’t sure what to expect from The Onion this week. Last week’s edition didn’t come out because of the WTC/Pentagon massacres.

The Onion did an entire edition about last week’s terrorism. I was amazed by how well they handled it. Two things in particular are God Angrily Clarifies ‘Don’t Kill’ Rule and then the Talking To Your Child About The WTC Attack sections.

The writers there are amazing.


5 thoughts on “only on The Onion

  1. There was much speculation around here as to how the onion would handle news like this. I will never wonder again.

  2. From The Onion:

    The collective sense of outrage, helplessness, and desperation felt by Americans is beyond comprehension. And it will be years before the full ramifications of the events of Sept. 11 become clear. But one thing is clear: No Austrian bodybuilder, gripping Uzis and striding shirtless through the debris, will save us and make it all better. Shocked and speechless, we are all still waiting for the end credits to roll. They aren’t going to.

  3. I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised at how well the usually over-the-top theonion handled this extremely tense situation. I loved the article stating the ‘Americans were ready to go to war with whoever it was they were at war with’, and ‘Terrorists confused as to why they went to hell’, or whatever they’re called. Pure hilarity! Also the TV listings were great as The Immaculate Vince pointed out.

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