see ya.

Go Away!
Get thee to Church!
Shiver me Timbers!
Trace what?
We're gonna be stars

We're working hard to bring you a complete and accurate LEAPING web page. We know that there is hundreds of you (leapers as well) who have written us asking when the page will be ready. Soon brothers and sisters. Soon. We're only a couple guys who started a sport. Give us time we need more time. But until then browse the uncompleted page and enjoy.
-President of the Leapers Association
It's the place to educate.

Most of the Founding Leapers are still trudging their way through the institutional corridor. Three of the four are now at UPEI (University of Prince Edward Island) studying a vast array of "degrees". They don't want to sit in a class. They want to leap. Luckily UPEI's campus is littered with places to leap. Stay tuned for more UPEI leaping updates.
We're just normal guys. Until our feet leave the ground, THEN we're Criminals.

You will find as you explore the world of leaping that you will be shunned away and yelled at much like the Skaters, the bladers, and the Punks. One thing to remember is that you don't have any wheels attached to your feet. You can only run (leap) away. So stay buff just incase a cranky guard decides to give you the old chase. If you're leaping with other people always split up when the chase is on, but don't give up on your fellow leapers. If the guard decides to follow Johnny first-day cover his ass. Yell obscenities at the guard. Appear in different places during the chase. (Whatch Lucas in Empire Records for some ideas.) But always remember the two cardinal rules of leaping.

  • Always leap before you look.

  • Wear good soft shoes for those hard landings.

what's comin' up?

There aren't really many events for the avid leaper this time of year in the Maritimes, but look out for a big competition in Halifax October 17th. This one's huge. It's sponsored by Shifty and Forth Records.
See ya on the Streets.

Horton's Choice is gearing up for another year of giging here on PEI. Also a huge concert at the UPEI Barn (or a high school gym) Nov 5th with Hokus Pick (alberta) and Soulfood 76. Horton's Choice will be opening the show.