N E W S I N G L E ? ? ? - 07.11.98

Hello folks,

Ffoeg here... reporting from the stankiest place on the planet, SYDNEY (Cape Breton). I haven't been writing many reviews of horton's choice lately due to my geographical disadvantage... But i recently received the newest horton's choice single and was quite impressed with it... Sounds excellent, even the locals here enjoy it, and it is currently on the McKenzie College top 3 mp3's. So i must say keep up the good work gang, and i hope to review more songs in the future.

Please... if you have not heard it, find a way to get your hands on it, and listen to it...you will be doing yourself a favor.

Perhaps over the christmas holidays, I will be on the island an catch a show or two, and be able to drop a review in the ol' virtual mailbox to the band... after all I don't get paid my high wages, if I am not writing...uh...!

So that is all for now, just this brief update on the Horton's Choice single... snatch it up, it is purely music you can "put your hat down too"...and... "it is surely for the greater good"

Thanks, Ffoeg
