W H Y    B R I D G E F E S T    9 8    S U C K S !

It all started when Horton's Choice got a chance to pay at BridgeFest again this year (Ed Note: BridgeFest is a bizarre celebration centred around a large bridge connecting Prince Edward Island to the mainland). Having a terrible time last year, they figured that it couldn't be much worse. So I decided I decided I would tag along to see the show. We should have known things were going to be pretty bad, when the car wouldn't start and we had to push it down my hill, and finally sit around a while before it would actually go. Next we needed something to eat so we stopped at Tim Horton's thinking we could get something quick to eat. Wrong! The excellent staff at Tim's seemed to work slower than ever in preparing the food, this was simply another thing that we will blame on bridgefest.

Finally we arrived in Borden Carleton... the site of BridgeFest! It was almost time for Horton's Choice to play so we decided to head straight for the stage (which was supposed to be outside, where other people were) but we had no idea where it was. We asked some of the knowledgeable volunteer staff where the actual stage was. We were told to go many different places before discovering that the stage tent had blown away, and that the new stage was in the Borden Arena! Of course being an arena, the acoustics wouldn't be that great! ...like bad. After arriving at the venue, we discovered it was also the site of the kids play land, for BridgeFest... simply adding fuel to the fire!

Horton's Choice contemplated playing and figured they would stick it out. So after quite a while, of tuning and whatever, they started to play (under a clever alias - see the June 20 news entry). Even thought the sound system wasn't too great, it was loud, so it was actually all right, in that respect. There was an exciting moment during one of the songs when Dan, knocked one of his symbols off (video to come), and continued to play the song without it. Just one of those days!

The crowd was somewhat nonexistent, however, there was still at least some people there. After the band's final song had been played, Steve played them out with some of his Kung-Fu Guitar antics, while the others joined in the finale. This was the highlight of the show!

We decided to stick around for another band to play, but in between bands, about 10 members of the audience got up on stage, and actually had a set planned... some good 'ol line dancing, which seemed to go on forever. After that treat, we stayed for the next band (nuff said) because they were using Steve's pedal. When they finished their set we ran out of the building and piled in the car, not before, a young child told the band they sucked!! After dealing with him, we headed for Charlottetown, never to return to Borden again!

To NOT visit the BridgeFest Website,
