Zap Your PRAM 2008: The Legend of Curly’s Gold


Back in 2003, when dial-up was still common and many keyboards didn’t have a “Windows” key, a few good friends and I put on a conference. The Zap Your PRAM conference was better than we could have hoped. We’re still in touch with friends made that fall.

We’re doing it again! This time we’ve got the entire Dalvay-by-the-Sea hotel booked for a long weekend in October. For those unaware, Dalvay-by-the-Sea is a hotel in the National Park on the North Shore of Prince Edward Island. It was built in 1895 as a summer cottage by a “wealthy industrialist” (I hope they call me that some day). It has been beautifully preserved.

While the location is remarkable enough that I think we could spend a worthwhile weekend there without any activities, we do plan to spend the weekend talking and playing. All invited are expected to contribute – stories, talks, music, films, etc.

At the last conference, we had film-makers, librarians, radio producers, and a bunch of web geeks. We’re hoping for even more diversity this time around.

As with the first Zap, the conference is invitation-only due to the limitations of the location and of the dynamics of group discussion. We’re intentionally keeping it small.

If you’re interested in an invite read up on the details and let us know by getting in touch with me directly, or


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