Phantom Cell Phone Vibrations in Print

A few weeks ago I got a call from Angela Haupt, a reporter for USA Today. She wanted a few quotes for an article she was writing about phantom cell phone vibrations. Thanks to Google, a short post I made in 2004 makes me a leading expert on the topic.

The article went up on the USA Today website, uh, today under this question-mark-heavy heading: Good vibrations? Bad? None at all?. I’m not sure if/when it will be in the print-version of the newspaper.

I should have recorded the phone call so I could listen myself say this again (I don’t remember saying it, but it does sound like something I would say):

“I’d be sitting on the couch and feel my phone start to vibrate, so I’d reach down and pull it out of my pocket. But the only thing ringing was my thigh.”

It’s nice to be part of America’s most colourful [sic] newspaper. I look forward to being stepped over as people leave their hotel rooms all over the nation.


7 thoughts on “Phantom Cell Phone Vibrations in Print

  1. I think the funniest part of the article is when you say
    “it was somewhat comforting, because it made me think I wasn’t insane, after all.”

    That is pretty damn funny.

  2. Hi Steven,

    What a surprise to see your name in our colorful USA Today, uh, today. I told my wife right away, mentioning the great review you did of the 2004 Echo Hatchback and your “Why I didn’t buy a hybrid car” posting.

    You’re a very funny web guy, possibly still the same dork in the photo of you in the car outside the dealership, but hey, I have one too!

    “I look forward to being stepped over as people leave their hotel rooms all over the nation.” Great line!! Very funny! Actually, we have home delivery. I like the crossword.

  3. Good stuff, man. This time, I didn’t get called [like I did the last time by Bloomberg … did you ever see that story online?]. But you deserve the fame. 😀

  4. Ha! I got called by Marty Schenker at Bloomberg about this a few years ago, then another chap who was doing a thesis emailed me.

    I hope they eventually do research onthis, and we’re among the people credited with having suffered from the original affliction….

    I like the idea of ‘Conaghan Syndrome’; the phantom sensation of your mobile phone vibrating in your pocket.

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