Iraq: The Musical

Inspired by Dick Cheney’s youthful enthusiasm about the “war” in Iraq, I’ve written a brief synopsis for a musical about Iraq.

Act 1: Liberation

Heavy on trumpets, flags, and narrated by a plucky young “embedded” reporter in a khaki reporter vest.

Reporter: “Back to you…”
Trumpets: “bap bahda!”
Reporter: [sadder this time] “Back to you…”
Trumpets: “bap bahda!”
Reporter: [slowly, with longing] “in Atlanta”
Act 2: The Insurgency!

Lots of minor chords and flashing lights. A longing father/son duet featuring George Bush Senior and “dubya” in the style of “Somewhere Out There” from Fivel Goes West:

Father Bush: “How many bombs…”
Dubya: “How many bombs…”
Father and Son together: [harmony] “until they love me”
Act 3: Victory

A three part orgasmic climax featuring the hit spin-off singles “Big Mac in Baghdad” and “Freedom is on the March” and the memorable dance number, “Give Freedom a High Five!”

Chorus: “If you’re still alive…”
Chorus: “When democrazy arrives…”
[High-five the person to your right and then left]
Chrous: “Give Freedom a high five…”

3 thoughts on “Iraq: The Musical

  1. Interestingly enough, I think the dance number (with its expectation of arriving democracy) would still work even if the third act was entitled “Withdrawal” instead of “Victory.”

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